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The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce

A recluse living in the Rocky Mountains with his dog, Shawnee, White Feather tells stories that lead us back to the primal joy of our existence. His philosophical and metaphysical essays push the envelope of our perspectives while grounding us to the feelings that connect us with our source. With insight and feeling, White Feather shares his journey through the shift in consciousness the world is going through, compelling us to look at our own journey. To discuss White Feather's writings and other philosophical and metaphysical subjects with others, visit White Feather Forum.
Stories and Columns by White Feather

Sunday, April 11, 2004

Asking Quesitons 

by White Feather

Where are the boundaries of our existence? Are they within the physical constructs of our "real" world? What about spirit? Where are the boundaries there? Are they limitless? Are there any boundaries? And are there really any boundaries in the physical? Are boundaries merely psychological constructs we create?

If we are the only ones creating boundaries or barriers to unlimitedness, then all the power lies in our hands to go beyond those boundaries.

If it's all up to us, then how do we ask for help? Usually when we think of asking for help we are thinking of asking for help from outside of ourselves. How often do we ask our selves for help? How many questions do we pose to our very own selves during the course of a day? How many questions do we ask of others? Who do we trust more to provide the answers?

Why, when we look at a flower, do we not see the answers to our questions? Is it because we didn't ask any? A flower can answer many questions for us, but if we don't ask, the flower is merely beautiful.

There are many answers in beauty, but the main reason we don't see the answers is because we don't ask the questions. But it is not necessary to ask the question of the flower. We merely need to ask ourselves. It is we who create the flower to answer those questions.

People bring us answers all the time. It is up to us to know the question. Of course, we must ask the question of ourselves, and then just allow others to bring answers to us. If we ask the question of them, then we just get their interpretation of the answer. If we ask ourselves, then they can only answer us directly, yet subconsciously. If you get their brain stories involved, then you'll just get brain stories. People tend to answer questions most honestly when they don't have a chance to think about it, or when they don't even realize they are answering a question.

Asking a question of ourselves, we are asking our higher selves. When a person unknowingly answers our question, it is often their higher self answering our higher selves. When that happens, we can bypass the rational brain. When we bypass the rational brain we get clearer answers, free of brain distortion.

So you got a burning question? Don't ask someONE else, but rather ask yourself. But don't be surprised if someONE else answers you. They may have no idea they are doing so, but you'll get a pure clear answer, free of distortions.

And just think; when you're talking to a friend....just talking, you might just accidentally answer their question. It's easier than them actually asking you the question, then trying to formulate the answer from all the brain stories on file in the old noggin. When you just talk to someONE because you're compelled to do so, it could very well be your higher self answering a question asked by that friend. If you hold back, afraid to express, you could be blocking your higher self from helping another higher self. You could also keep from beginning a conversation where suddenly your questions would be answered.

Ask questions of your self. Then talk to everyONE in your life and keep communication open. You might be surprised at all the wisdom going around.

Copyright © 2004, by White Feather. All Rights Reserved.

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