A recluse living in the Rocky Mountains with his dog, Shawnee, White Feather tells stories that lead us back to the primal joy of our existence. His philosophical and metaphysical essays push the envelope of our perspectives while grounding us to the feelings that connect us with our source. With insight and feeling, White Feather shares his journey through the shift in consciousness the world is going through, compelling us to look at our own journey. To discuss White Feather's writings and other philosophical and metaphysical subjects with others, visit White Feather Forum.
Friday, April 02, 2004
Fear of Being Judged
by White Feather
Concerning the fear of being judged, the reality we create will reflect back to us any judgments we make about ourselves. So we fear judgments coming from others because they reflect judgments we have made about ourselves. So we can look at every judgment cast upon us as a golden opportunity to illuminate and release those judgments we've made about ourselves. If looked at as an opportunity, there isn't so much fear. But if we do not acknowledge that judgments from others are reflections of our own self-judgments, then we keep those judgments separate from us; pushing them "out there" on someONE else's shoulders where we seem to have no control over them and we then become the "victim" of those judgments. No one can make a judgment about you unless you have, at some point and at some level, already made that judgment about yourself. In moments of doubt, we have all made judgments about ourselves and those judgments then eventually manifest in the form of judgments from others. So the only way to stop judgments from others is to stop judging ourselves.
Copyright © 2004, by White Feather. All Rights Reserved.