A recluse living in the Rocky Mountains with his dog, Shawnee, White Feather tells stories that lead us back to the primal joy of our existence. His philosophical and metaphysical essays push the envelope of our perspectives while grounding us to the feelings that connect us with our source. With insight and feeling, White Feather shares his journey through the shift in consciousness the world is going through, compelling us to look at our own journey. To discuss White Feather's writings and other philosophical and metaphysical subjects with others, visit White Feather Forum.
Monday, May 10, 2004
Ramble #7
by White Feather
One's safety is determined solely by one's perceptions. WE CREATE OUR OWN REALITY.
A fault line opens up between two neighbors. (This a quake prone neighborhood) Both houses fall in. The Smith's house is crushed along with the Smith family. The Jones' house is crushed, but the Jones were away attending a wedding in Cleveland so they survive. This has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with luck or coincidence.
Two homes sit on the prairie of the land that is considered the safest in the world. The inhabitants of these homes have spent their lifetimes searching for the safest place in the world. Now that they have finally found their safe spot, they no longer have anything to fear, and are besides themselves. They don't know what to do. Then a meteor comes streaking out of the sky and wipes out both houses. Since they were so remote, no one else died. This has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with luck or coincidence.
There is a fault running underneath a beautiful sleepy valley. The tension created by this fault is tremendous, and growing with each day. The tension creates an electromagnetic charge that gives a surprising lift to some people that were going through the valley one day. They felt so super-charged with energy in this spot that they build a little town and invited people from all over. Within a short time, people from all over came to live in this town. They liked it there because the energetic vibrations were compatible with their own, which were vibrations that liked being on the edge of danger. They liked that energetic spark and fed off of it. As more and more people came and fed off that energy, that energy began to diminish and the big earthquake never happened (although they had a few itty bitty quakes). Finally, a lot of the people left because they were no longer being fed as high a charge, so they left to go live on the side of some volcano. Years later, the tension began building again along the fault. Soon the population, after a period of decline, began increasing again and a second wave of prosperity ensued. This has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with luck or coincidence.
Our safety is determined by our thoughts. Vibrations attract like vibrations. How you vibrate determines what you bring into your life. The best way to increase our vibrations is by experiencing love and joy. It is the mechanical repetitive patterns of consciousness that we hold on to that keep us from experiencing love and joy. Most of the time we operate on a sort of programmed default consciousness, which does not allow for love and joy. Breaking down these patterns of consciousness, releasing them, and then going after love and joy with all our heart, our vibrations will increase exponentially. Our vibrations will eventually get to the level where nothing at all can hurt us. Safety will no longer be a relief from our fears, but rather an expression of our love and joy.
And this has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with luck or coincidence.
Copyright © 2000-2004, by White Feather. All Rights Reserved.
One's safety is determined solely by one's perceptions. WE CREATE OUR OWN REALITY.
A fault line opens up between two neighbors. (This a quake prone neighborhood) Both houses fall in. The Smith's house is crushed along with the Smith family. The Jones' house is crushed, but the Jones were away attending a wedding in Cleveland so they survive. This has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with luck or coincidence.
Two homes sit on the prairie of the land that is considered the safest in the world. The inhabitants of these homes have spent their lifetimes searching for the safest place in the world. Now that they have finally found their safe spot, they no longer have anything to fear, and are besides themselves. They don't know what to do. Then a meteor comes streaking out of the sky and wipes out both houses. Since they were so remote, no one else died. This has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with luck or coincidence.
There is a fault running underneath a beautiful sleepy valley. The tension created by this fault is tremendous, and growing with each day. The tension creates an electromagnetic charge that gives a surprising lift to some people that were going through the valley one day. They felt so super-charged with energy in this spot that they build a little town and invited people from all over. Within a short time, people from all over came to live in this town. They liked it there because the energetic vibrations were compatible with their own, which were vibrations that liked being on the edge of danger. They liked that energetic spark and fed off of it. As more and more people came and fed off that energy, that energy began to diminish and the big earthquake never happened (although they had a few itty bitty quakes). Finally, a lot of the people left because they were no longer being fed as high a charge, so they left to go live on the side of some volcano. Years later, the tension began building again along the fault. Soon the population, after a period of decline, began increasing again and a second wave of prosperity ensued. This has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with luck or coincidence.
Our safety is determined by our thoughts. Vibrations attract like vibrations. How you vibrate determines what you bring into your life. The best way to increase our vibrations is by experiencing love and joy. It is the mechanical repetitive patterns of consciousness that we hold on to that keep us from experiencing love and joy. Most of the time we operate on a sort of programmed default consciousness, which does not allow for love and joy. Breaking down these patterns of consciousness, releasing them, and then going after love and joy with all our heart, our vibrations will increase exponentially. Our vibrations will eventually get to the level where nothing at all can hurt us. Safety will no longer be a relief from our fears, but rather an expression of our love and joy.
And this has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with luck or coincidence.
Copyright © 2000-2004, by White Feather. All Rights Reserved.