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The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce

A recluse living in the Rocky Mountains with his dog, Shawnee, White Feather tells stories that lead us back to the primal joy of our existence. His philosophical and metaphysical essays push the envelope of our perspectives while grounding us to the feelings that connect us with our source. With insight and feeling, White Feather shares his journey through the shift in consciousness the world is going through, compelling us to look at our own journey. To discuss White Feather's writings and other philosophical and metaphysical subjects with others, visit White Feather Forum.
Stories and Columns by White Feather

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Smearing Across Space 

by White Feather

The past does not exist. It does not exist. Can you show it to me? You can show me some history books, but they are not the past. They're just a perspective on the past; an amalgation of different perspectives written into a story. But it is not the past.

You can say, "But I have memories." Yes, you do, but they are not the past, they are "memories of the past." You cannot show me the past in the NOW, therefore it does not exist. That's why we invented memory, which is a holographic imprint of the NOWs that we have embraced.

It can be viewed that our lives are holographic imprints. In universal "time", our lives take about one second. It's the light that life created that smears across space creating a 3-D holographic image that allows us to see the "memory" of that one thought, which is our life. While the thought takes just a second, the light that we are travels the entire spectrum of that life from one NOW to the next to the next, up around the spiral of light towards the completion of the thought.

This is our grand wonderful journey. We give this journey life through embracing as many NOWs as possible.

Copyright © 2004, by White Feather. All Rights Reserved. Books By White Feather

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